
Sayings for Children and Their Meaning and Saying for Kids

There are thousands of sayings that allow us to express our daily life in a few words and children learn very quickly all kinds of phrases that are striking to them. For each child, proverbs can be ways of communicating in a simple, practical and fun way.

The world is a handkerchief when we communicate with proverbs, and since the appearance of these entertaining speeches, they have meant for everyone a unique way of expressing everything we want to say to the world.

Sayings for children and their meaning

Oral language has been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times. From this, an endless number of proverbs were transmitted by word of mouth that refer to wise experience and are made to be easily remembered. Teaching proverbs favors the development of a language that allows children to have fun, learn to communicate and transmit their knowledge.

When you communicate with the wit of these phrases, you can save a lot of words. This is because proverbs are often related to wisdom from experience and hold a shared cultural meaning. Popular proverbs and sayings also contain rhymes and a certain rhythm that make them quite nice. You can teach your children proverbs that facilitate the learning of habits or life lessons and, at the same time, have a good time.

We will show you the best sayings for children, with which you can teach and they like it. Sayings are a tool that will allow you to do both.

A proverb is a phrase of popular origin that expresses a teaching in a figurative sense. Sayings usually contain a lived experience that has endured over the years and has become an important part of traditional wisdom.

If we think about it twice, proverbs are sentences that always want to advise us or explain something. We can say that they are the summary of the experiences of people who are no longer here but whose experience remains valid over time through words.

These paremias that bring with them various teachings and reflections, that despite being old, have been transmitted from generation to generation and that suppose a cultural richness of the language.

From proverbs we can teach children different morals, habits, healthy behaviors and even how to act in certain circumstances that may arise. There are so many benefits of using proverbs in everyday language, that you can even shout a proverb to the sky and you will be understood anywhere.

The importance of proverbs in childhood

Paremiology is a science that studies the proverbs, sayings, sayings and other paremias of different cultures and languages. This science indicates that every paremia implies a statement associated with traditional knowledge and that is based on day-to-day experiences.

We find that there are sayings for all aspects of our lives, this gives sayings an ability to appear in the moment. Sayings are varied and contain all kinds of messages from our ancestors. There is one for an opportune moment.

There are many benefits that children have when learning proverbs, because in addition to being able to access this knowledge that comes from past generations, they can increase the scope of their oral expression, as well as the customs and characteristics of the context in which they live. .

Learning proverbs in childhood helps oral communication and consequently a better verbal expression in the sharing of social relationships. It also makes it easier for children to easily remember some aspects of behavior expected at school and in society.

Some dimensions of the human being that are strengthened in the usual exercise of proverbs are:

proverbs in language development

An appropriate development of oral language at an early age is essential for children, since this will help them to adapt to society and be able to communicate their wishes. The metalinguistic nature of proverbs provides children with guidelines for interpreting speech in everyday social interactions.

The use of proverbs in the language makes it easier for children to find their own way of expressing themselves that is fluent and that demonstrates ownership of knowledge. As proverbs are expressions that legitimize a socially constructed thinking, they accept to communicate all kinds of messages in a few words and in many cases use allegories of reality.

Learning to communicate also refers to learning the symbols of the culture. Constructing an oral or written discourse reflects a communicative competence that can become an advantage in school settings.

Sayings in the development of abstract thought

Generally sayings and proverbs use metaphors of all kinds to imply their application and their relationship with the experience of others. Deciphering a proverb requires a certain cognitive effort that can be educated so that its deduction is increasingly agile.

Sayings are made to be spoken in everyday contexts. At any moment of daily life you can hear a saying or see the perfect opportunity to express yourself through one. The increase in logical capacity allows us to be able to read the main message that hides, between the lines, many of the paremias that we constantly use.

The consequence of the facts in experience and their logical comparison with the metaphors of a proverb implies the development of logical thinking and the ability to abstract.

Values ​​and moral teachings in proverbs

Popular sayings can be a very useful resource to show children the valuable teachings that they taught us. They are phrases that tend to convey values, moral lessons, reflections and manners or simply give us advice on how we should act in certain circumstances.

Repeating a saying does not imply that the intrinsic message has been understood, the apprehension of these reflections is present to the extent that they are linked to personal experiences. Sayings can also contribute to the development of children’s personality since they provide a broad cultural content from which a criterion can be obtained.

Based on the knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation, children can learn to create their own belief system and share it with other people with whom they usually communicate.

Sayings always transmit a teaching, a thought or an experience that remain in our vocabulary because they are valuable immaterial legacies of our culture.

We can play with popular sayings!

Sayings hide many puns, jokes and in many cases figurative or metaphorical meanings, which is why sayings require you to think about them in some cases more than once. We can agree is that metaphors include various meanings and connotations in a single expression depending on the context in which we are. We all know many sayings that we have heard over the years and we can make them a hilarious way to communicate.

Sayings allow intelligent communication where interlocutors understand what is meant to be explained in a simple sentence. Playing with words, in addition to providing the space for an entertaining conversation, also presents us with a situation where we can find ways to stimulate in children the acquisition of various ways that they can choose to communicate.

Sayings are short texts with an easy-to-remember rhyme that want to convey some kind of teaching. It is expected that the phrase indicates to the person who hears the saying, the specific message that it contains. In some cases, popular sayings and proverbs have a sobering character because it is expected that action will be taken on the basis of that popular knowledge that has been preserved for so long.

You can discover the fun of talking without having to explain everything. A good listener, few words are enough. Talking about proverbs gives us the possibility of turning a literary resource into a great tool to educate children and bring them valuable advice and reflections on life.

The teaching of proverbs

The really interesting thing about proverbs is that they have a certain didactic way of transmitting their content. The messages that are transmitted have mnemonic and metalinguistic forms that can serve children on many occasions as pragmatic language instructions.

As a mnemonic function of language, it allows the proverb to be a short phrase that is easy to memorize, with an ingenious structure to relate the words. In its metalinguistic function, it gives guidelines to understand the ways of communicating structured in society. The message is very rarely understood literally and in one way or another it is necessary to link several experiences in a single sentence.

In fact, proverbs also have a peculiarity that tends to persuade and reinforce or summarize the opinion of the person who gives an idea. Paremias cannot serve as first-hand oral sources for learning to communicate and relate.

The use of proverbs implies learning to recognize the moments to use them. It is preferable to use proverbs consistent with the events and not abuse them to avoid confusion or lose the form of meaning that you want to give.

Sayings or proverbs to teach children

The sayings are intended to stimulate the intellectual curiosity of children and that they learn to value the reflections and traditions of the past. There are several sayings for children that can help them easily demonstrate a point of view.

The synthesis collected by popular proverbs are treasures of knowledge from daily life. With a couple of sayings we can use them to express expressions of different cultures or to stimulate reading from an early age.

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