Reading 1st and 2nd Grade

Laura’s breakfast reading for kids | Kids Reading | Reading Kids

At eight in the morning, Laura’s mother has already had her coffee and toast. It’s time to wake up your daughter or it will be late. Almost in the dark, he approaches the small wooden bed and looks for her little face under the duvet to kiss her good morning.

Laura stretches, puts on her red slippers and sits in the sunny kitchen. Today he is very hungry but luckily, his mother has prepared his favorite breakfast: orange juice, three nuts and a bowl of milk with cereal.

The girl knows that this is the most important meal of the day and that she needs to eat well in order to think clearly. Plus, there’s gym class today and she has to practice cartwheeling for her end-of-term performance.

When he’s done, he gets dressed, washes his face and teeth, and brushes his hair. Inside his backpack he puts a notebook and seven colored pencils.

His mother appears smiling and gives him a small package with a couple of cookies. He is growing and will need to recharge his batteries by mid-morning!
Laura, like every day, goes to school happy and eager to learn many things.

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